The first meeting of the Friends of the Tud Valley (FOTV) Community Gardening Club was held on Wednesday 20 th October 2021 at 7.30 pm. Eighteen people attended, many encouraged through social media postings. Pauline Williamson (PW) welcomed the group and gave a brief summary of the FOTV and the formation of the Conservation Volunteer group. She then spoke of the reasons behind forming this Community Gardening Club, originating with the creation of the Sensory Garden next to the Community Centre by FOTV earlier this summer:
The perception of a need for more social contact within the local community, especially after the isolation and loneliness experienced during the Covid pandemic; a friendly regular meeting point for all age groups. A need for active participation to create and maintain pleasant outdoor spaces for the benefit of all but especially for the elderly and disabled and those wanting to enjoy peaceful sensory time outdoors. A sharing of gardening skills and plants between both experienced and novice gardeners. She talked about the planned “Well-BEE-ing Garden” to be planted with pollinator-friendly plants supplied by members of the community. Half of the cost of the building of the raised beds has been raised by successful application for the Saffron Community Fund Grant, whilst the remaining half still needs to be secured before the project can proceed. Whilst awaiting the remainder of the funding, she suggested other existing areas which the group could work on, restoring them to their original non-neglected state: the raised bed outside the Breckland Park Library, Barley Court Care Home courtyard garden and the car park area surrounding Beechcroft Medical Centre. The group then discussed the future for the club and it was agreed: A regular monthly meeting on the third Wednesday of each month opening at 7.00 for a 7.30 start. An annual minimal membership fee of £12 (i.e. only £1 per meeting). Club funds to be boosted to assist with practical projects through a 25p charge for refreshments, raffles with donated prizes, book/plant stall. The club will be affiliated to the Norfolk and Norwich Horticultural Association, enabling members to attend their events, trips and holidays. Meetings will occasionally welcome outside speakers on topics of interest to the group, but their will be “in-house” talks by members as a way of sharing expertise. There were offers of assistance with refreshments, plant donations for projects and advertising for the group. The next meeting will be on Wednesday 17 th November 2021 at 7 for 7.30 pm.