Many thanks to Linda and Sian who prepared refreshments for members as they arrived. Also to Lella who ran the raffle for which prizes had kindly been donated by members. Pauline welcomed those returning and those visiting the club for the first time. In all eighteen people attended this second meeting of our new Gardening Club. She thanked Henry and Brenda for their efforts creating promotional posters for the club. Both posters received congratulations from everyone and will be posted around the shops, on Town Council noticeboards and on social media. She talked about three practical projects that we are working on: Firstly, there would be an opportunity for two members to join her to plant some spring flowering bulbs in the Sensory Garden the next morning. Maureen and Sheila volunteered as they had worked with Ali and her in the garden the previous week, digging out dahlias for the winter, tidying the beds and planting pansies for winter colour.
The Remembrance Day Muster had taken place at the Costessey Centre and a wreath laid by the tree in the Sensory Garden. Volunteers were requested to help with refurbishing the unkempt raised bed outside the library in Breckland Park on Saturday 27 th November, starting at 9.30 am. Six members volunteered. Instructions have been given to Bear and Sons to build three of the interlinked hexagonal raised beds in the “Well-BEE-ing Garden” project. The remaining five beds will then be constructed as soon as the remaining funds are raised. She thanked the anonymous members who have offered to pay for the annual Affiliated membership to Norfolk and Norwich Horticultural Association which will enable our members to attend talks, events and trips available to their members. She also asked members to consider which particular aspects of the Gardening Club they might like to focus on: Promotion, Practical community gardening or Fundraising to help raise funds to help create more pleasant community gardens for the wellbeing of all, but particularly for the elderly and disabled. She suggested that next spring and summer, members may like to open up their own gardens for coffee mornings or tea afternoons for sociable gatherings.
She introduced Henry Bedingfield, the keen young founder of his own eco-friendly Britannia Garden centre in Costessey. Henry then presented various logo designs that he had been working on, and members voted for their favourite, leading to the logo heading these notes.
It is planned to purchase hi-viz vests bearing this logo for our gardeners to wear whilst working on community projects as a powerful advertisement for the club.
Henry suggested setting up an online forum and Facebook page for the club, as well as our own website.
She thanked Henry for his input and asked him to tell the members more about his new business garden centre enterprise.
We held an informal “Questions and Answers” session, covering topics such as the winter storage and protection of dahlias, and what are the basic tools essential for someone starting out as a novice gardener.
any thanks to everyone for a lively sociable meeting. The next meeting will be on Wednesday 15 th December at 7.00pm for a 7.30pm start. Any Xmas seasonal “nibbles” will be most welcome!